Light Work

Light Work

Our well being is multi-layered. Our connection to ourselves and source helps us to have more clarity and discernment. We are each ultimately the leaders of our lives and are the ones who make change and best choices for ourselves. Light work can help with this. I have trained in the ancient Lineage of King Salomon and provide healings, clearings and activations to help support you.


Life Activation

This is a beautiful session I love providing because the energy it creates is calming, inspiring, peaceful and one of pure love. It helps to balance various energy systems in your body including chakras, magnetics and the elements within you. This session helps to pierce through blockages and connect you with source energy and yourself. If you are looking for a refresh, a deeper connection with yourself, clarity to help discern the best and next steps for you, this is a great choice.

90 minutes


Cord Cutting

This is a great session to have if you are in a funk. You had a weird interaction with someone, you can’t get that negative thought out of your head. You can change these thoughts and energies within yourself, but sometimes it takes extra time, or is extra difficult. The cord cutting helps to speed up the process so you can move on more quickly, having more energy to focus on the things that lead to joy and positive connection in your life.

45 minutes



Schedule a free consultation, pick my brain and see if we are a good fit.